As someone who’s used to being busy and actually enjoys it, I didn’t know what to do with myself when things calmed down a bit this winter. So, I started by decluttering the house, which turned out to be pretty satisfying. After a while, though, it occurred to me that this newly found time is rare and temporary. So I decided to take more deliberate steps to improve things here at the home office.
If you’re interested in doing the same, here’s what I recommend:
1. Examine your business from the outside in. Listen to your outgoing voicemail message – is it friendly and clear? Look at your email signature – is your phone number included? When was the last time you read your website homepage? Or subscribed to your own newsletter to see what happens?
2. Check out your LinkedIn profile. Make sure your profile picture is a professional headshot and that it’s up to date and includes any new skills you have possibly learned. Ask for those recommendations you’ve been thinking about.
3. Post past content. If you have past newsletters that are not yet up on your website as well, take steps by creating a plan and start a content calendar.
4. Declutter your desktop/email. You probably have many files or even emails that could be organized more efficiently on your computer. Make designated folders and categorize them.
5. Organize your desk. Take everything off, clean it thoroughly, and only add back what you need. Get rid of the old paperwork that is no longer valid or file it away. Take a picture of the paperwork and file it in one of those folders you created on the previous step.
6. Review your finances. Look for ways to possibly save money. Are you using that expensive software for what it’s worth, and is there an alternative?
7. Improve your skill set. Look for courses on LinkedIn or Udemy that could bring you value.
For people who are used to being at capacity, a little down time can be disorienting. So yes, make sure you relax. But when you’re ready to jump back in, take advantage of the opportunity to straighten up your business.